
Acupuncture is the insertion of fine sterile needles into specific acupoints along the body’s meridian system. Acupuncture needles create a warm, tranquil sensation, allowing the body & mind to fully relax during a treatment.

This stimulation encourages the normal flow of Qi (energy) and correct any imbalances within the body by improving the flow or oxygen, nutrients & blood to nourish every cell in our body in order to influence the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Often, after an acupuncture session, you may feel deeply relaxed, calm & perhaps a bit ‘spacey.’ This effect is due to the fact that acupuncture influences the nervous system by down-regulating the sympathetic ‘fight & flight’ mode.

Acupuncture initially became known in the Western world specifically for its role in pain relief. Studies were able to show that acupuncture forced the brain to release opioids (our body’s natural pain killers) to shut off the pain pathways and reduce pain & inflammation.

A few needles can have a huge impact!

Read about Facial Rejuvination Acupuncture Here.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbal formulations are specifically designed for each individual’s health requirements. As the treatment progresses, herbal formulas are modified according to the body’s response to treatment. 

Chinese herbs may be prescribed as raw or granulated herbs, these are the most effective form and require some level of preparation. Other more convenient options include pills, capsules or tinctures. 

All herbs are premium quality, Australian certified organic where possible, pesticide free and heavy metal tested.

Cupping, Gua Sha & Moxibustion

Cupping involves the application of glass cups to the surface of the skin by creating suction with a flame. This potent technique is commonly used to stimulate blood flow to muscles & skin, softening tissues, reducing swelling & enhancing circulation in order to accelerate healing. It does wonders for back pain, sciatica, neck spasm, frozen shoulder and even internal disorders like period pain & digestive problems. 

It can also be used to help boost the immune system & resolve those stubborn persistent phlegmy coughs.

Gua Sha involves scraping the skin with a ceramic spoon or jade stone to intentionally produce small red dots (‘sha’) in order enhance blood circulation to alleviate pain & stiffness as well as reduce congestion in the affected area. Chinese medicine may appear to have weird techniques but it is the outcomes that are more important. Gua Sha often provides immediate pain relief when applied to the jaw, neck, shoulder & upper back region and can be used for both chronic & acute injuries. 

The effectiveness of Gua Sha was shown in a study where there was a four-fold increase in microcirculation at the treated area in the first 7.5 minutes after treatment and this muscle pain relief persisted to the follow-up visit with no adverse reactions reported!

Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy that can also be employed during a treatment.  It involves gently burning processed mugwort leaf on or near the body to deeply warm acupoints and encourage Qi and blood circulation. 

Moxa is highly beneficial in menstrual pain conditions, digestive disorders, healing musculoskeletal injuries and is extremely effective for breech presentation.

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture

(Cosmetic Acupuncture)

Facial acupuncture is used to promote lymphatic drainage and enhance circulation of blood & nutrients to the facial cells. This process moisturises & hydrates the skin. Insertion of fine needles to the face also stimulates the production of collagen & elastin, the building blocks of the skin, to improve tone & firmness of the skin.  

A treatment not only involves the face but will also address the impact of nutrition and lifestyle on the skin. A variety of tools & therapeutic organic botanical skin products are used to address your facial concerns. After a session, the face feels enlivened! The tension held within the face & commonly the jaw has softened & released. 

This therapy can be used to treat a wide variety of skin concerns including acne, scarring, fine lines, sagging skin, puffiness, dry & dull skin, sinusitis and TMJ. 

The benefits of facial rejuvenation acupuncture are accumulative where each session reinforces the desired outcome. Each treatment protocol will be tailored to individual’s needs.

Nutritonal Therapy

Keren has a keen interest in ‘food as medicine’, integrating her extensive knowledge in both Western clinical nutrition and Chinese dietary therapy to provide personalised advice.

The food we eat plays a role in the status of our health. According to Chinese medicine, it is not only what we eat but how we eat that affects our health. Chinese medicine provides a template for eating wisely according to our individual constitutions and encourages us to be in tune with seasonal changes. By incorporating Chinese nutritional therapy into our lives, we begin to understand that food not only provides us with sustenance but allows us to achieve optimal health and longevity.